Monday, January 28, 2013

OneDream you go !

Chilling cold at 6 AM in the morning came as a little shock to me! It was curiosity that earned me a trip to Ahmedabad. A city emerging to hold the same value what Mumbai or Delhi used to have when my parents were growing up. I managed to rope in a Ramakant to join me and we hit the road.

Waking up early morning and that too over the weekend was a tough task. Gods know how I made it. As we started from hotel to the venue we were surprised to see that at most of the morning joints breakfast was over !! Lesson learned, Ahmdavad is a city of early morning people city.

Meeting Harsh after 14 years was delighting experience. As the event unfolds we got a better insight on what OneDream is about and their part of story was indeed aspiring. OneDream was celebrating their first anniversary. Despite some traffic hiccups (blockades due to cycle marathon) some 150+ people including students and their family members were there. I found that encouraging and what followed was even engrossing.

The student passed out varies from 20 year old chap to a 38 year old gentleman to a mother of two!! You don’t get to see such a heterogeneous mix usually in India where we hold on to social inhibitions.
One could easily relate to their values which was very much visible in all their action and plans. Don’t remember any company coming up with values as simple and straight like these -
Exist to empower youth
Respect every individual
Always give our sincere best
Excel in execution
Are hungry to win

Event started with a play highlighting the struggle most of the degree-holding student has to go through and how few students though technically sound miss out of career opportunities and very well comprehends the missing links like soft skills, attitude, basic computer skills etc. There were representatives from industry who shared good insight to career planning and basics that one should heed to in the career starting phase. Then there were students who very much lived and proved the dream and efforts OneDream is focused on.
 All this followed by a vivacious talk by none other than Harsh was a treat. He easily opened up on the struggle, the hard efforts put in by his team and sharing the 0.062% success. I really wish OneDream to drive it to the next milestone. And am pretty sure about my wish as I could see Harsh guiding his beautiful team Supriya, Purab, Rohan and many more who persist to make the team efforts count

So, what more?! Simple, I look forward to the 2nd Anniversary invite!


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