Thursday, September 08, 2005

If to say Yes

If to say Yes
do mean to compromise
If to say Yes
kicks my butt for a better reach outs
If to say Yes
conveys 'am running out of better options
If to say Yes
arouse suspects " am I going to be same old junk ??"
I do say 'YES'
BUT, nowhr... damn nowhr it means
'Am gonna giv up on this
and thts a YES

so dear all lets move on..
bcoz thts life

Brijesh Pandya (Brip) said...

most photoGENIc face i have ever seen , though I am not regreating that I am married :)

10:56 PM
navneet said...

smthng smwhr is burning out... its smelling... Isnt it??

7:46 AM


Anonymous said...

grab the subject...words will follow...thts exactly whts happening on your blog..:)

navneet said...

thanks anonymous

Anonymous said...

photo of the week